
Pop Tart Expiration Code. Kellogg's Pop Tarts Expiration Date. Keebler Cookies Expiration Dates. Austin Crackers Expiration Date Codes. Cheez It Date Codes. Kellogg Expiration Date Codes. Cheez It Expiration Date Code.

  1. Austin Animal Crackers Expiration Date
[Last Edit: 4/22/2010 6:57:20 AM EDT by ReallyLongAction]

Austin Animal Crackers Expiration Date

Austin Crackers Expiration Date CodesAustin
I've had some Austin PB&J Crackers in my lunch cooler for about 4 years. I ate them just now. They tasted fine. I figured it would be ok scince there is no expiration date on the wraper. I just kind of figured they'd be good forever, like salt.
Do they expire? Should I be worried now?
edit. They expired in November of 2008 . I ate 4 packs x 4 crackers each pack. Im going to go take some Pepto Bismol, and wait to see how I feel in a few hours.